Embryology and General Anatomy; Physiology of the Eye; Physiology of the Vision; The Neurology of Vision; Geometric Optics; Physiological Optics; Errors of Refraction; Anomalies of Accommodation; Determination of Ocular Refraction; Examination of the Eye; Ocular Therapeutics; Diseases of Eyelids; Diseases of Lacrimal Apparatus; Diseases of the Conjunctiva; Diseases of the Cornea; Diseases of the Sclera; Diseases of Iris; Diseases of Ciliary Body; Glaucoma; Diseases of the Lens; Diseases of the Vitreous Humour; Mechanical Injuries of the Eyeball; Diseases of the Choroid; Diseases of the Retina; Disesases of the Optic Nerve; Common Intraocular Malignacies; Diseases of the Orbit; Principles of Opthalmoscopy; Strabismus or Squint; Ocular Manifestations of Diseases of Nervous system; Ocular Manifestations of Endocrine Disorders; Blindness in India Prevention and Rehabilitation; Spectacles and their fitting; Low Visual Aids; Clinical Problems; Ocular Manifestations of Selected Infections Diseases; IOL power calculation.