Essentials of veterinary histology and embryology
This book has been composed by combining two important divisions of veterinary Anatomy--- a) Microscopic Anatomy (Histology) and b) Developmental Anatomy (Embryology).
In the Histology part the microscopic structures of cells and tissues of various organs have been documented methodically with facts, figures and photomicrographs. Knowledge on the structural organization of healthy and normal tissue components is essential for understanding the functional characteristics of an organ in normal and altered physiological conditions.
Embryology portion is mainly involved with the pre-natal stage of development, i.e. from fertilization of ovum to the birth of the new individual. Orderly progress of development is described in short on the morphological changes those take place during the course of time with explanations. This is necessary for rational understanding about the anatomy of various organs of the body along with their congenital defects and teratological deformities.