Section I : GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY – Cell : the unit of Life; Movement of substances and Homoeostasis ;
Section II : THE BLOOD – Blood volume ; The Plasma; The Erythrocytes ; Haemoglobin ; Formation and Fate of Erythrocytes ; The Leucocytes; The Immune system;
Haemostasis ; Blood Group and Blood Transfusion ;
Section III : DIGESTIVE SYSTEM – Functional Anatomy; Gastro-intestinal Hormones; Salivary Secretion; Gastric Secretion; The
Liver and Bile; Pancreatic Secretion; Intestinal Secretion; Movements in GI tract; Digestion andAbsorption ;
Section IV : RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – Functional Anatomy ; Pulmonary Ventilation ; Dead space and Alveolar ventilation; Pulmonary Gas exchange; Transport of Blood Gases; Mechanics of Respiration; Regulation of Respiration; Respiratory Abnormalities ;
Section V : NEUROMUSCULAR PHYSIOLOGY – Electrical properties of Cell Membrane ; Action Potential ; Physiology of the Nerves and Neuromuscular junction ; The Muscles ; Experiments on Nerve-Muscle Physiology ;
Section VI : CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM – The Peripheral circulation ; The Heart ; Electrocardiogram (ECG) ; Cardiac cycle and Cardiac output ; Regulation of the Cardiovascular system ; Regional circulation; Cardiovascular adjustments in Health and Disease ; Physiology of Muscular exercise ;
Section VII : EXCRETORY SYSTEM – The Kidneys : Functional Anatomy and Blood Supply ; The Nephron ; Glomerular
filtration ; Tubular function ; Renal handling of Individual substances ; Medullary Concentration Gradient (Urinary concentration and Dilution mechanism) ; The excretion of H+ and Acidification of Urine ; Urine and Kidney function test ; Micturition; H+ concentration and its Regulation ; Fluid and Electrolyte balance ; The Skin ;
Section VIII : METABOLISM, ENERGY BALANCE AND NUTRITION – Biochemical aspects of Physiology ; Some Biochemical processes of Physiological importance ; Energy balance ; Nutrition ;
Section IX : ENDOCRINE SYSTEM – General Considerations ; The Hypothalamus and the Pituitary ; The Thyroid gland ; The
Suprarenal glands ; Parathromone, Calcitriol and Calcitonin ; Endocrine Pancreas (The islets of Langerhans) ; Growth and Senescence ;
Section X : REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM – GeneralConsiderations ; Male Reproductive system ; Female Reproductive system ; Pregnancy, Lactation,Contraception, Infertility ;
Section XI : THE NERVOUS SYSTEM – Functional Anatomy of the Nervous system ; Neurone and Nerve ; Synapse ; Receptors; Reflex ; The Sensory system ; The Motor system ; Structures associated with Motor activity ; Muscle Tone ; Posture and Equilibrium ; Autonomic Nervous system ; Hypothalamus ; The Forebrain ; Higher Neural functions ;
Section XII : SPECIAL SENSES – Vision ; Hearing ; Gustation (Taste) ; Olfaction